Monday 9 May 2011

Painfree Stitching: A Guide

Stitching - as an embroiderer, knitter, crocheter or quilter - is definitely not a dangerous occupation. Nevertheless, poor posture, repetitive actions and bad habits can cause a great deal of pain and problems over a long time. The best way to tackle these problems is by prevention. 

Here are some tips that will help you remain painfree as you stitch…

1. Stop stitching immediately if you feel pain. Analyse why the pain exists  (- consider the next tip) and find the best way of managing your problem.

2. Stop stitching when you feel tired or sense that you are using additional muscles to continue your work (such as bracing your elbows against the arm of your chair).

3.  Stitch in good light to avoid eye strain. Position yourself by a window, so that light is cast on your work. Invest in a craft light for evening stitching. Have your eyes tested regularly, and make sure your eye glasses prescription is updated as necessary.

4. Consider your posture while you stitch. Slumping on a sofa will produce aches and pains, as will leaning to one side in a chair. Make sure your back is well supported, your feet are on the floor and that your head does not strain forwards. Your project should be held in a midline position, with your neck and shoulders feeling relaxed.

5. Every few minutes, get up for a stretch and a walk around the room.  Focus your eyes on a distant object and shake out your arms and hands.
6. Any peristent pain should be checked by a qualified medical practioner.

These basic tips to injury prevention should help you avoid any injuries and allow you to stitch painlessly in the future.

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